Automated Presentation of directory hardware/mount_media/cdmount/

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Please be aware: what appears below are the v4.2 DT bits in auto-generated html form.
As we have the time, we will update these to reflect the current "state of the world".

README file from "cdmount" directory

This directory contains sources for the administrator to allow general
users to mount and access CD-ROMs without having to know the root
password.  Mount is limited to root so the cdmount and cdumount commands
are needed to insure greater usability of the cdplayers and better overall

This software is Copyright (c) 1991 by Kent Landfield.

Permission is hereby granted to copy, distribute or otherwise
use any part of this package as long as you do not try to make
money from it or pretend that you wrote it.  This copyright
notice must be maintained in any copy made.

Use of this software constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS
condition. There are NO warranties with regard to this software.
In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever
arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this
software.  Any use of this software is at the user's own risk.

 If you make modifications to this software that you feel
 increases it usefulness for the rest of the community, please
 email the changes, enhancements, bug fixes as well as any and
 all ideas to me.

             Kent Landfield

Files of interest from "hardware/mount_media/cdmount" directory




Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire cdmount directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.